Monday, October 8, 2007

Mataniko Falls

I have been in the Solomon Islands for about 7 months now and havent been around to really see the pure beauty of the islands and the people here. Linda Christen, a surgical nurse friend of mine who just arrived in the country has probably seen most the places here than myself. Anyway, I had a great weekend a week ago, when Linda and I took a long hike up to the Mataniko Falls. Apart from my leg killing me with what seemingly felt like two slabs of concrete on both legs, we got to see the inner beauty of Honiara.

The walk to the water fall isnt as long for people who are fit. For some of us who spend most of our time in meetings, infront of the computer was murder. I had to rest every 50 steps going up hill......Than the sun started beating down on our backs.....I mean i love the sun.....its just that i didnt bring enough water to soak my shirt up and wrap it around my head.

we stopped to rest 3 time becos i couldnt keep up with Linda and our tour guide who also charged us $50 SBD. Nothing felt better than going down hill after all that climbing. As we neared the Mataniko Falls we could hear the water pounding on the rocks below.
I had this picture in my head of a single water fall cascading down the rocks. To my amazment as we neared the falls, i looked up to see the entire area with large falls and little rock pools which filled up to thier brims and than formed little falls as the water found its way along with gravity.

I could only spend no more than 30 minutes walking around in the water fall before the cold started to settle in. Had we brought some lunch along we could have stayed alittle longer and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon lazzin out in the rock pools. Apparently that didnt happen.

Before long Linda and I than started our way back home. Oh and the walk back.........If i had a cell phone with me.....i'd have already called for a chopper to come and pick us......I need to get out more often and do this kinds of walks.....

Honiara, a dirty little town filled with good people has come a long way. It is sad to see them abandon their culture and take to the streets the ugly side of a developing country. I have another whole year to fully see the rest of the hidden paradise of the Solomon Islands...
Just you wait and see....i'll show you things....places.....animals.....You can really appreciate...

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